Ducesa d' Olive
Desigur, exista ducese care expira aerul aristocratic si cele care doar aspira la el. Uneori semnele exterioare pot fi superfluue dar alteori, atunci cand bucuria, seninatatea, prea-plinul iti permit, aceste incoronari ale starii de spirit te vor ajuta sa transmiti corect toate mesajele tale domnesti.
Palarie din fibranaturala, lucrata manual, cu rabdare si atentie, pe calapoade si in zile peste care timpul a trecut lent.
Magenta combinata cu olive ( avem idisponibilitatea de a jongla si cu alte culori) asezate cuminti pe bentita metalica invelita in saten ce poate fi asortat cu palaria sau cu propria culoare.
Plata se poate face si in lei - 550
Some duchesses exhale the air of aristrocracy while others can only aspire towards it. Exterior signs can be superfluous but sometimes, when joy and serenity allow it, these coronations of the spirit will help you to properly convey your royal feelings.
This hat is made from natural fiber, patiently and meticulously handcrafted on blocks over which time passes slowly.
Magenta mixed with olive ( some other colour combinations can be employed if desired) sit quietly on the metallic headband wrapped in satin of your choosing.
Palarie din fibranaturala, lucrata manual, cu rabdare si atentie, pe calapoade si in zile peste care timpul a trecut lent.
Magenta combinata cu olive ( avem idisponibilitatea de a jongla si cu alte culori) asezate cuminti pe bentita metalica invelita in saten ce poate fi asortat cu palaria sau cu propria culoare.
Plata se poate face si in lei - 550
Some duchesses exhale the air of aristrocracy while others can only aspire towards it. Exterior signs can be superfluous but sometimes, when joy and serenity allow it, these coronations of the spirit will help you to properly convey your royal feelings.
This hat is made from natural fiber, patiently and meticulously handcrafted on blocks over which time passes slowly.
Magenta mixed with olive ( some other colour combinations can be employed if desired) sit quietly on the metallic headband wrapped in satin of your choosing.