- Fandacsia
di Matera
 - Fandacsia
 - Fandacsia
di Matera
di Matera
 - Fandacsia
di Matera

di Matera

Regular price 450 lei Unit price  per 

Tax included.

Trandafiri din hartie, borul este acoperit cu foita de cupru, extra-panglici lungi si dramatice, voaleta ecru, calota vopsita intr-o nuanta de alb de culoarea peretilor caselor de piata expusi soarelui din sud.

Paiul impletit manual in Transilvania, cumintit in forme si inaripat cu panglici in ateierul din Bucuresti, este imbibat in chef de calatorii si poate fi urmat de panglici englezesti, orietale sau chiar italienesti- tu alegi printr-un mesaj via email/facebook/instagram.

Masura, invers decat in dragoste; fiecare milimetru este foarte important pentru noi si te rugam sa procedezi la o atenta verificare a circumferintei capului tau. Se foloseste un centimetru de croitorie care se pune pe frunte deaupra sprancenelor si a urechilor la aceeasi distanta: latimea unui deget. Atentie la spate unde e musai ca protuberanta maxima a craniului sa fie in interiorul acestui cerc.

Intervalul de livrare este de 7 zile.

We kindly ask you to select your hat size - this is the circumference of your head above the eyebrows, roughly one centimeter above your ears, measured with a tapeline.

Your hat is made entirely by hand, starting with the weaving of the straw up until the fixing on the block. Because each hat is made to a specific measurement, we kindly ask you to give us an interval of 5 to 7 days to create our product. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience.

What does a Matera extravagance look like? You will need paper roses, a hat brim covered with copper leaf, long-ribbons for extra dramatism, ecru voile and a crown painted white to resemble the colour of stone walls that have been scorched by the southern sun.

The straw was woven in Transylvania, tamed into its hat shape and adorned with wing-like ribbons in our Bucharest studio. Our hats are filled with a desire to travel and can be adorned with English, Oriental or Italian ribbons – your choice! Leve us a message via email/ facebook/ Instagram with your preference.

Attention: the most important thing is to know your size! Your head’s circumference can be measured using a tailor’s tape measure which is wrapped around the head, roughly one finger above the ears and eyebrows. The small protrusion at the back of your head needs to be included in the circle that you will be defining with the measuring tape. Every half a centimetre is important in finding a perfect match between yourself and the hat. If you don’t have a tailor’s metre, you can use a ribbon or even your headphone’s wire and then measure the resulting length with a normal ruler.

Please allow us 7 working days to make your hat.

di Matera
 - Fandacsia
 - Fandacsia
di Matera
di Matera
 - Fandacsia