Cascheta Chagall
Daca vrei sa iti invelesti gandurile intr-un Chagall si sa auzi, in surdina, violonisti pe case, te poti indragosti de aceasta cascheta din lana de oita englezeasca. Lana e culeasa de pe teritoriul reginei; designul, munca si dichisul sunt adaugate in atelierul bucurestean. Vei avea 3 metri de panglici cu care sa infasori violet inimile tuturor de pe strada ta dar si gantul tau de lebada.
Lana 100% oaie
S corespunde unei circumferinte a capului masurata in centimetri 53.5-55
M corespunde unei circumferinte a capului masurata in centimetri 55.5-57
L corespunde unei circumferinte a capului masurata in centimetri 57.5- 59
Chagall Cap
If you want to cheer up your thoughts with a Chagall painting and hear in the distance the sound of those whimsical violinists that live atop the roofs, then you will fall in love with this cap made of English sheep wool. The wool is spun on the Queen’s lands, the design, work and frills are added in our Bucharest studio. You will have 3 metres of ribbons at your disposal to wrap around everyone’s hearts, as well as around your swan-like neck.