Am gandit aceasta fandacsie japoneza in simtire caci imi place literatura lor si ma regasesc cu uimire in estetica kimonourilor, a obi-urilor si a caselor inconjurate de gradini si iazuri. Keisai Enisai (1790–1848) a fost un gravor japonez, scriitor si proprietar de bordel. Atentie la perioada in care a trait. Seria portretelor de femei frumoase este cea mai cunoscuta si admirata serie de stampe semnate de acest domn tres fascinant.
Calota invelita in poplin, 100% bumbac.
I’ve designed this Japanese Fandacsia hat from the heart, as I love Japanese literature and I can identify myself with the aesthetic of kimonos, obis and houses surrounded by gardens and ponds. Keisai Enisai (1790 - 1848) was a Japanese artist, writer and brothel owner. Please pay extra attention to the time during which he lived. The series of portraits of beautiful women represent the most famous and well-known series of engravings signed by this très fascinant gentleman.
Crown covered in Poplin, 100% cotton.